Pick the right plan you need. Start syncing Google sheets.

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  • Number of websites
  • Buy now
  • All free features
  • Swap Bottom Elements
  • Search Bar
  • Asynchronous Loading
  • Shortcode Support
  • Show Info block
  • Pagination support
  • Gutenberg Block
  • Responsive table exclusive
  • Search Only Display exclusive
  • Export table from CSV, Excel, PDF, JSON, etc. unique
  • Unlimited row sync from Google sheet exclusive
  • Vertical scrolling hand crafted
  • Elementor Widget support exclusive
  • Live chat support
  • 1 year update
  • WordPress Multisite Support
Buy now

You are saving $6.55

45% off



  • Number of websites
  • Buy now
  • All free features
  • Custom CSS

    Fetch as many rows as you want to show it on the WordPress table.

  • Live Search

    Let users search from any row/column on the table

  • Caching feature for faster loading

    Loads the WP table faster, keeps your data always updated and synced

  • Responsive table exclusive
  • Search Only Display exclusive
  • Horizontal dragging unique

    User will be able to drag the table horizontally and get an improved UI experience

  • Hiding specific columns on WordPress tables hand crafted

    Hide Google Sheet column on mobile or PC based on your wish.

  • Hiding specific rows and cells on WordPress tables exclusive

    Hide the rows and cells that you don't want to be public.

  • Multiple spreadsheet tab exclusive

    Allow the users to choose & save multiple tabs from a single Google Sheet

  • Export table from CSV, Excel, PDF, JSON, etc. unique
  • 6 table pre-built table styles exclusive
  • Unlimited row sync from Google Sheet exclusive

    Write your own custom CSS to design the table or the page itself

  • Vertical scrolling

    Acts as sticky header and allows you to scroll vertically throughout the table

  • Elementor Widget support exclusive
  • Link support hand crafted

    Import URL/Links from google sheet as links instead of texts

  • Live chat support exclusive

    Our support team will help you to get through any issue every day of the week.

  • Lifetime update exclusive

    Get lifetime updates of the product

  • WordPress Multisite Support
Buy now

You are saving $278.99

All free features

  • Live Data Synchronization
  • Fetch up to 30-row data
  • Show X Entries
  • Swap Bottom Elements
  • Search Bar
  • Asynchronous Loading
  • Limited Free Support
  • Shortcode Support
  • Show Info block
  • Swap Filters
  • Allow Sorting
  • Pagination Support
  • Gutenberg Block
  • Lifetime Update
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Frequently asked questions

How does this plugin work?
Watch how to get started with FlexTable: Sheets to WP Table.
Does this plugin support the popular page builders?
The plugin supports the most popular page builders - Elementor widget and Gutenberg block.
Do the FlexTable: Sheets to WP Table plugin impact page loading?
No. FlexTable: Sheets to WP Table is a very robust and fast plugin. It won’t impact your page loading. But sometimes, it may take some time to load the page if the “Asynchronous Loading” feature is not enabled & the Google Sheet data is too large.
Where can I find the tutorials about using the plugin?
Please visit our Youtube playlist, where we post tutorials on how you can use different features of the plugin.
Is this plugin compatible with all modern browsers?
Yes, We have tested this plugin in all modern browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.), and it works without any issue.
Do I need to know any programming language for using this plugin?
No. You can easily use the plugin. No coding is required.
I want a refund for my purchase of the plugin. What is the procedure?
We have a 14 days refund policy. Please email us at [email protected] explaining why you would like to get a refund.
Whom do I contact for any kind of support?
Please contact us through support.
If a Google Sheet has multiple tabs, how can I select the one I want to display?
Please visit the following page on the Sheets to table plugin. General Settings > Multiple Tabs settings. Now simply copy the browser URL of the tabs you want to fetch on your website.
My sheet designs aren't imported. How to fix those?
The color import feature is not developed yet, but the Custom CSS of Sheets to table plugin can fix it for now. Learn how to use custom CSS in Sheets to WP Table Live.
Can I edit the WP table?
You cannot edit tables in WordPress. Google Sheets to WP Table Live plugin works in a one-way flow that means you can edit data in Google sheet only.
Is it possible to fetch a column with External Link as per the URL?
If any external link has been added with the link, it will automatically fetch the link as you have on your Google sheets. So, on your website, when you click it, it will go to the same link as Google sheets have.
Can I search inside data of tables using WordPress main search?
You can search different table items/data from each table with its search options, but you will not be able to search through the default search bar of WordPress.
Will this work on WordPress Multisite?
Yes, FlexTable: Sheets to WP Table supports WordPress Multisite. You can operate the plugin on all websites in the Multisite network with a single installation.