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SureMembers review: A premium membership plugin for WordPress

SureMembers review: A premium membership plugin for WordPress

SureMembers is a popular membership plugin for WordPress that offers a range of features and capabilities for building a successful membership website. In this article, we will provide a detailed review of SureMembers, including its features, ease of use, pricing plans, customer support, and how it compares to its competitors.

By exploring these aspects, we aim to help you make an informed decision about whether SureMembers is the right membership plugin for your website.

Let’s get started with our SureMembers review!

The benefits of a membership plugin

SureMembers review: A premium membership plugin for WordPress

Membership plugins offer several benefits for website owners who want to create a membership-based site or provide exclusive content to their users. Some of the key benefits of using a membership plugin include:

  • Restricted Content Access: With a membership plugin, you can restrict access to specific content on your website, such as articles, videos, downloads, or forums. This allows you to provide exclusive content to your members, ensuring that only paying or registered users can access it.
  • Monetization and Revenue Generation: Membership plugins enable you to monetize your website by offering premium memberships or subscriptions. You can charge users for access to restricted content, online courses, premium features, or other valuable resources. This helps you generate recurring revenue and turn your website into a profitable venture.
  • User Registration and Management: Membership plugins simplify user registration and management processes. They provide tools for creating registration forms, managing user profiles, handling logins and password resets, and organizing user data. This makes it easier to build a community, engage with members, and offer personalized experiences.
  • Membership Levels and Tiers: Many membership plugins allow you to create multiple membership levels or tiers, each with different access privileges and pricing. This flexibility enables you to offer various membership options to cater to different user needs and budgets, enhancing the overall value proposition of your site.
  • Content Dripping and Course Management: If you offer online courses or educational content, membership plugins often include features for content dripping. This means you can schedule the release of content over time, allowing members to access new modules or lessons as they progress. It helps you maintain engagement, prevent overwhelm, and create a structured learning experience.
  • Integration with Payment Gateways: Membership plugins usually integrate with popular payment gateways, making it convenient for users to subscribe and pay for memberships. This integration automates the payment process, manages subscription renewals, and ensures a secure transaction environment.
  • Member Communication and Community Building: Some membership plugins include communication features such as member forums, private messaging, or email newsletters. These tools foster interaction and collaboration among members, encouraging a sense of community and enhancing the overall membership experience.

Overall, membership plugins simplify the process of creating and managing a membership site, provide revenue-generating opportunities, and help you deliver exclusive content and experiences to your members.

Primary types of membership plugins

SureMembers review: A premium membership plugin for WordPress

Membership plugins for WordPress typically fall into three primary types:

  • Content Restriction: These plugins allow you to restrict access to specific content on your WordPress site based on membership levels or user roles. They provide features like protecting pages, posts, categories, or custom post types, and require users to log in or have a specific membership to access the restricted content. Examples of content restriction plugins include Restrict Content Pro, MemberPress, and Paid Memberships Pro.
  • User Registration and Management: These plugins focus on user registration, login, and management features. They allow you to create registration forms, manage user profiles, handle password resets, and control user access. Some plugins in this category also offer payment integration to enable membership subscriptions. Examples include Ultimate Member, WP-Members, and UserPro.
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): LMS plugins are designed for creating and managing online courses or e-learning platforms. They include membership functionality to sell access to courses or course materials. These plugins typically provide features like course creation, progress tracking, quizzes, certificates, and sometimes even integrated payment gateways. Popular LMS plugins with membership capabilities include LearnDash, LifterLMS, and Teachable.

These are just the primary types of membership plugins, and there are many variations and features available within each category. The choice of a plugin depends on your specific requirements and the features that align with your membership site’s goals.

SureMembers Overview


SureMembers is a premium membership plugin for WordPress that was launched in September 2022. It has gained popularity among website owners and businesses due to its affordable pricing, clean interface, and robust payment system.

The creators of SureMembers aimed to develop a plugin that prioritizes payment processing by offering a seamless payment experience directly within the plugin. They also focused on providing customization options for checkout forms, a modern user experience, and comprehensive support at an affordable price point.

SureMembers is known for its flexibility and versatility. It offers a range of features including robust integrations, flexible content protection options, and much more. These features contribute to its appeal and make it a powerful and adaptable solution for membership websites.

SureMembers Features review

SureMembers is a feature-rich and user-friendly membership plugin for WordPress that offers several advantages:


  • Robust integrations and flexible content protection options: SureMembers provides seamless integrations with various platforms and offers flexible content protection settings to control access to your content effectively.
  • Drip content feature: SureMembers allows you to schedule the release of content over time, providing a systematic and engaging experience for your members.
  • Customizable checkout process (when used with SureCart): You can customize the checkout process to align with your branding and create a professional user experience, especially when combined with the SureCart plugin.
  • A modern interface and user-friendly design: SureMembers features a sleek and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to navigate and manage your membership site.
  • Can be used on unlimited sites: SureMembers offers the flexibility to use the plugin on multiple websites without any limitations.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:


  • Newer plugin: As a relatively newer plugin, SureMembers may not have the same level of established reputation and user base as some of its competitors.
  • No free version available: SureMembers does not offer a free version, so you would need to invest in one of their pricing plans to access its features.
  • Integrations facilitated by the SureTriggers plugin: While SureMembers supports integrations, these are facilitated through the SureTriggers plugin, which may require an additional setup.

Considering these pros and cons will help you assess whether SureMembers is the right choice for your membership website.

SureMembers features

SureMembers offers a wide range of powerful features that enhance the functionality of your membership website. Here’s an overview of these features:

  • Restricting downloads and content: SureMembers allows you to protect and restrict access to specific content on your website based on membership status. You can easily lock files behind a login form and set varying levels of access for different membership profiles.
  • Drip content: SureMembers offers a comprehensive drip content feature, enabling you to release content gradually over a specified period. This allows you to provide a structured learning experience for your members and control the availability of content based on their progress.
  • Payment processing through SureCart: SureMembers integrates with SureCart, a robust payment processing plugin. It enables you to accept payments from members and provides advanced features such as customizable checkout pages, fraud protection, and support for multiple payment methods.
  • Robust integrations: SureMembers offers seamless integrations through SureTriggers. You can use triggers like subscriber signups and purchases to automate actions in other applications, such as adding customers to an email list or creating tasks for your sales team.
SureMembers review: A premium membership plugin for WordPress
  • Post and page locks: You can restrict access to specific posts or pages on your website, ensuring that only members can view them. You have the flexibility to set different levels of access for different membership plans and redirect non-members to specific pages.
  • Partial post and page locks: SureMembers allows you to lock specific parts of your posts or pages, making them exclusive to members while allowing non-members to access the rest. This feature can entice potential members and provide added value to existing members.
  • Visible excerpts: You can set visible excerpts for your posts and pages, providing non-members with a preview of the content before they decide to sign up. This feature can increase conversions by giving potential members a glimpse of what they’ll get.
  • Lock file downloads: SureMembers enables you to lock file downloads, ensuring that only members have access to them. This is useful for protecting premium content such as eBooks and audio files and adding value for your members.
  • Customizable login forms: You can create and customize login forms to align with your site’s branding. This feature allows you to personalize the forms and enhance the user experience for prospective members.
  • Security and privacy: SureMembers prioritizes security and privacy, offering features like SSL encryption, adjustable access levels, and login restrictions. These measures help protect your members’ data and ensure a secure environment.
  • Modern interface: SureMembers features a modern and intuitive interface, making it easy to manage your membership site. The responsive design ensures a seamless user experience across devices and screen sizes.
  • Customizable checkout process: You can customize the checkout process using SureCart and SureTriggers. This feature streamlines the signup process, automates access group assignments, and allows you to tailor the checkout experience to match your branding.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics: SureMembers provides detailed reporting and analytics tools to help you gain insights into your membership business. You can access data on total users, specific membership plans, and access groups, enabling you to make informed decisions.

SureMembers offers a wide array of features that cater to the needs of membership websites, providing flexibility, customization, and ease of use for website owners and their members.

FeatureFeature Description
Restricting downloadsIt can control and restrict access to downloads and files
Drip contentYou can release content at predetermined intervals to maintain user engagement
Customizable login formsProvide flexible customization options for designing and modifying member login and signup forms according to your specific requirements.
Post and page locksEasily restrict access to individual pages and posts on your website, ensuring that only authorized members can view the restricted content.
Lock file downloadsFunctionality to control access to downloadable files, allowing you to limit download permissions to specific membership levels or user roles.
Great interfaceVisually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, offering a modern and intuitive experience for your members as they navigate your membership site.
Partial post and page locksProvide the ability to display teaser or partial content to non-members and prompt them to upgrade their membership for full access to the exclusive content.
Payment gatewaysIntegration with SureCart to handle payments and subscriptions
Security and privacyPrioritize the security and privacy of sensitive member data by implementing robust measures to safeguard information, ensuring a high level of protection against unauthorized access.
Detailed reporting and analyticsComprehensive reporting and analytics tools that allow you to track and analyze user behavior, membership trends, and plugin performance, providing valuable insights to optimize your membership site’s effectiveness.

SureMembers pricing

SureMembers review: A premium membership plugin for WordPress

Source: SureMembers

Conclusion: Is SureMembers the right membership plugin for you?

SureMembers is a highly recommended option for website owners who want to create a thriving membership website. Its user-friendly interface, straightforward setup process, extensive features, and reliable support make it an excellent choice.

Additionally, SureMembers offers competitive pricing, making it a cost-effective solution, particularly for those with budget constraints.

If you’re seeking a membership plugin that is intuitive, user-friendly and delivers outstanding value, SureMembers is undoubtedly the right solution for you.

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