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How to Use Easy Video Reviews with Elementor

How to Use Easy Video Reviews with Elementor

Reviews not only have the power to influence the customer’s decision but also can strengthen a company’s credibility. Video reviews help customers hear about your products right from their peers. And if you can make it easy and attractive to leave a video review, collecting video reviews will be easy. Easy Video Reviews with Elementor will do exactly that!

Video reviews have more credibility than text reviews. Moreover, video reviews are easy to do and collect. Who doesn’t like to sit in front of the camera and tell their opinions? And if you can place that option in the right place then users will be bound to leave a review.

Elementor is the ultimate page builder plugin in the industry right now. You can create any type of website using this page builder. With its amazing widgets and features, anyone who doesn’t have any coding knowledge can create a website.

However, one thing Elementor hasn’t done and that is creating any Elementor Video review widget. And that is where the Easy Video Reviews plugin comes in.

Easy Video Reviews is the perfect WordPress plugin to record and collect a video testimonial from your users. The use of this plugin is so easy that anyone can use it. And with the Elementor widget, you can put a button for video review anywhere you like.

Confused? Let us show you how to use Easy Video Reviews with Elementor.

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Using Easy Video Reviews with Elementor

Easy Video Reviews with Elementor

We are going to show you the steps to use Easy Video Reviews with Elementor.

Step 1: Install Easy Video Reviews

First of all, you need to install the Easy Video Reviews plugin. You can download the plugin from, or you can go to WP Admin–> Plugins–> Add New and type Easy Video Reviews. You will find the plugin. Install and activate it.

Install Easy Video Reviews Plugin with Elementor
Install Easy Video Reviews

Step 2: Install Elementor

If you already have Elementor page builder installed, then you can ignore this step. Otherwise, just install Elementor on your site.

Install Elementor Easy Video Reviews with Elementor
Install Elementor

Step 3: Create a page or use an existing one

Now in order to add the Easy Video Reviews with Elementor, you need to create a page or use an existing one. To create a new page go to WP Admin–> Pages–> Add New.

Add new page Easy Video Reviews with Elementor
Add new page

Now, give your page a name and click on Edit with Elementor.

Edit with elementor
Edit with Elementor

Step 4: Drag n Drop Easy Video Reviews Widget

When you go to the Elementor customization menu, you need to find the Easy Video Reviews widget from the side menu and drag the widget to the selected area.

Drag widget Easy Video Reviews with Elementor
Drag widget

Step 5: Customization

Now, when you drag the widget to the selected area, you will see a button. You need to customize the button to make it look attractive. You will find options like Button Label (what do you want to write in the button), Button tag, Button style ( Red, blue, indigo, pink, etc.), Button Size, Alignment.


Step 6: Adding Showcase Video Testimonial Widget

The Easy Video Reviews plugin has another widget for Elementor. If you want, you can showcase the videos you have collected from your users on your website.

You need to drag the Easy Video Reviews Showcase widget to the selected area.

Showcase widget
Showcase widget

Step 7: Customize the Showcase Widget

You can customize the Easy Video Reviews Showcase widget just like the Easy Video Reviews widget. You can view your videos in Testimonial View or slider view, select the video limit, number of columns, arrange the videos in descending or ascending order,

Customization of showcase
Customization of showcase

Also, if you want, you can add the recorder button beside your testimonial videos. So, customers can get inspiration to record these Elementor video reviews.

Enable the Add Recorder button. Select position, add button label, button style, button size, and choose an alignment.

Add recorder button
Add recorder button

Finally, you can publish and see the results for yourself.


That is how you can use Easy Video Reviews with Elementor!


So, you see how you can easily collect video testimonials using this WordPress video review plugin. And with its compatibility with Elementor. You can easily create an attractive way for customers to leave video reviews. Moreover, you can show off your video testimonials in a fashionable way.

Know more about Easy Video Reviews Plugin

So, what are you waiting for? Add the Easy Video Reviews plugin to your Elementor website and collect video reviews easily.

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