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12 best WordPress plugins every website should use

12 best WordPress plugins every website should use

This article is specially organized for bloggers who are searching for the best WordPress plugins! If you have chosen WordPress then you are on the right track. WordPress is the best CMS (Content Management System) and rules over 42% of the website on the entire internet.  This can occur because of its super ease of use and super-simple establishment. You can tweak your site without being a tech nerd. Besides, you don't have to know a solitary line of code....

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WPPOOL Day – A Day for WPPOOLians ✨

WPPOOL Day Celebration

The definition of working has evolved a lot in the past two years; working from home has become the new normal. Even before this transition, we at WPPOOL have always believed that productivity does not require office space and have been performing remotely since the beginning of our journey. We are the first company in Bangladesh to successfully operate from home. And we have also achieved some significant landmarks - our success stories in 2021 speak for ourselves. But at...

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WPPOOL – Year in Review | 2021

WPPOOL - Year in Review | 2021

A story on WPPOOL - Year in Review | 2021 2021 has ended. While we are sad to say goodbye to 2021, we are equally excited to welcome the new year of 2022. The year 2021 has been an eventful year here at WPPOOL. We have seen many positives while we also dealt with the negatives smartly. At the start of the year 2021, we had set some goals and we worked accordingly towards achieving those goals. The main goal...

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What Is Exciting About WordPress Block Pattern Directory in 5.8 and What We’re Losing

What Is Exciting About WordPress Block Pattern Directory in 5.8 and What We’re Losing

WordPress has added a new WordPress Block Pattern Directory to its new version 5.8. When WordPress announced the introduction of block patterns that came with the release of WordPress 5.5, then creating beautiful pages and websites in Gutenberg editor had become easier than ever. But now with the release of WordPress 5.8, the WordPress team has added the new pattern directory, which users can access from The reason WordPress introduced block patterns is that they give users more flexibility...

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Best WordPress Christmas And New Year Deals 2023-24

Best Christmas Deals

We are at the end of the year and at this time of the year, the world comes together to celebrate the occasion of Christmas and New Year. And we will be listing the best WordPress Christmas and New year deals. Right from October to right until the end of December, these are the months of celebration. More so for the WordPress community. You're not going to miss out on great deals on Christmas, because we got you covered. Best...

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Introducing the New Zero BS Accounting- WordPress Accounting Plugin for Non-Accountants

WordPress Accounting Plugin

Good news WordPress users! Today we are going to release the new WordPress Accounting plugin, Zero BS Accounting Plugin to the WordPress repository! If you have a business whether it is small or medium or big, you need to hire an accountant or use accounting software to keep tabs on your expenses and earnings. However, sometimes it is very tough to hire an accountant. There can be budget issues or trust issues. So, for them we have brought a new...

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Why Online Marketplaces Should Embrace Chat Widgets Support

Chat Widgets Support

Chat widgets support is very important for any kind of online marketplace to embrace. Live chat is one of the most important elements in an online store. Because with a live chat option not only you can create a more intimate relationship with the customers but also increase your conversion rate. Today we are going to talk about why online marketplaces should embrace chat widgets support. Get Chat Widgets for Your Marketplace 1. Makes it Easy to Contact Support To...

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Genius Testimonial Ideas with Easy Video Reviews

Genius Testimonial Ideas with Easy Video Reviews

Positive reviews and testimonials play a huge part in promoting the website and products. It also helps in getting more sales. But the real challenge is finding ways to publish testimonials on your website. That is why you need some great testimonial ideas to publish great content on your website. There are different types of testimonials that online marketers use on their website, such as: Quote: Text testimonials from customers talking about how the product helped themVideos: Customer accounts displayed...

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Dark Mode Saves Battery Life, You Might Not Notice!

Dark Mode Saves Battery Life, You Might Not Notice!

Many people have been saying that Dark Mode saves battery life. Well, they are not wrong, you know. At full brightness, Dark Mode saves a shocking amount of battery life with an incredible 47% reduction in battery draw. Dark Mode has been on trend since 2019. Every big or small company is adapting dark mode to their website. If you look at YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all have an option for dark mode. But this didn’t happen because they wanted...

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Best WordPress Webinar Plugins

Best WordPress Webinar Plugins

Best WordPress webinar plugins, Webinars help you to enter the homes of potential customers and clients. Also it is an excellent way to interact with your site’s subscribers and social media followers. You can engage with your followers, gain new ideas and grow your community. And if you can successfully market your webinars then you can generate a lot of online sales, build up your domain authority and build a tight-knit community of followers. Here is the list, Table of...

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