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How to create a Wall of Love testimonial page using Review Gallery

The “Wall of Love” is a dedicated section that you can include on your website to display authentic testimonials, reviews, and feedback from satisfied customers.

With Easy Video Reviews, creating a professional-looking “Wall of Love” gets super-easy. To get started, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Easy Video Reviews > Gallery and click on Create New Gallery.

How to create a Wall of Love testimonial page using Review Gallery

Next, select the reviews or testimonials (both text and video) that you want to include in your “Wall of Love” section and click on Add to Gallery.

How to create a Wall of Love testimonial page using Review Gallery

Once you’re satisfied with the selection, give your gallery an appropriate name and hit Save Gallery.

How to create a Wall of Love testimonial page using Review Gallery

That’s it. Your gallery has been created. You can now copy the shortcode and paste it it any page or post to get your own “Wall of Love”. Alternatively, you can also use Easy Video Reviews Gutenberg block or Elementor widget to place the gallery.

How to create a Wall of Love testimonial page using Review Gallery

You can further customize the gallery settings (display style, pagination settings, date, and video controller settings) as you wish. If you have coding knowledge, you can also use additional CSS classes from the Advanced Options section to further customize the gallery.

How to create a Wall of Love testimonial page using Review Gallery